Saturday, June 7, 2008

Master Carson

Hi everyone! My blogs are becoming far and few between. I'm sorry for that! Summer is here; no set schedule (which is great) and I've been lagging on my posting. Ashlyn is thrilled to be out of school. She has already begun cheerleading practice with tumbling, practices; but it gives her another chance to be with her girlfriends (as if that isn't happening all the time). She is going to be a junior; it doesn't seem possible. Brittney will be down for vacation the end of June; we are heading to the beach. Last year we went to Water Color in Destin; which was amazing; this year we are going to the Gulf; we are so excited. We are beach girls.
Please pray for my sweet husband. He is leading from our church a missions trip to the Amazon. They left this week; I miss him soooo much. All is well. This is his first time to the Amazon area. They are on a houseboat that will be going from village to village sharing the amazing gospel of our Lord Jesus. I'm so proud of him. Please pray for their safety, many souls to be saved.
Master Carson came for a visit two weekends ago. He's 2 1/2 and wow ... a sweet little mess. He was so sweet. We had so much fun. He is my baby brother, Jon's son. He and Jon got here and Carson got out of the car saying "Joy". What a SMART little boy!! He saw his Uncle Tim, cousin Ashlyn. We cooked out, went swimming, went to the park. We watched the movie "Nemo" a million times ... he loves "Nemo". He's a wonderful boy. He is so tender-hearted, great sense of humor. He reminds me so much of his Daddy and he looks JUST like his Daddy. We had a great time; we hope to head up that way next. Here are several pictures from the weekend. Enjoy! Have a great week!
P.S. The picture of Carson pointing (Jon is holding him) ... we were looking at the ducks. He wanted to be WITH the ducks in the water; wherever, it didn't matter. We had to hold his hand hard or pick him up so he wouldn't get in the water with the ducks.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I'm with you...not much time for blogging! I'm trying to post pictures here and there since we've had so much going on lately!

I love the pictures! Carson is precious and he DOES look just like Jon! Glad y'all had a good time!

Saw you this morning, but didn't get a chance to say hello! I just woke up a few minutes ago...long nap this afternoon--plus I woke up with the usual bad headache. I'm having trouble with TMJ really bad. I'm hoping to go see a Dr. once we get Zack off to school!

Have a good week!