Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

We had a nice, kind of quiet Easter weekend. We basically hung around the house and just relaxed. We go so fast most of the year; it was nice to do not much! We had a great day at church Sunday. We opened the service up with baptism; this is what it is about. Bethany, Ashlyn's friend, was baptized. It's been so great to see her growing in the Lord. I had cooked a good meal that we enjoyed. We were invited to some friends home later that afternoon; but we fell asleep and woke up late!

Here are a few shots of Ashlyn. Brittney is up at school; she didn't get home from her cruise until @ midnight early Sunday morning. I'll post some photos from her cruise on here when I get them from her. She had a ball.

God bless your Monday.


Tracey said...

Love the pictures! Ashlyn looks so pretty! Glad y'all had a good day! We did too! It was nice and restful. I missed you Sunday morning---you must have gone to the early service! It's been too long girlfriend! Let's catch up soon!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures! We didn't look very "Easter-y" because of the cold weather, but we had a great day--except for the trip to the ER. Check out my blog for more on that. ;-)