Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slow Down Time!

Hi Everyone! Just a quick post. So much is going on. Ashlyn has cheerleading tryouts tomorrow. She cheered last year and is excited about the possibility to cheer again.
My title of "Slow Down Time" has to do with the picture above of Ashlyn looking at class rings. She'll be a junior this year and it's time to order her class ring. We received the catalog this week from the rep of Herff-Jones and my goodness, there are sooo many choices compared to "my time". I think we had 4-5 rings to chose from; now there are pages and pages of choices. We had fun looking and she found exactly what she wanted. She wouldn't look at the camera because "Mom I look awful". But I wanted to freeze this moment. Two years left until college ... don't think I'm not counting!
Is this little outfit not the cutest? The Williams family is expecting the first great grand-child. Tim's Daddy is 80. Reagan and his wife, Mandy, are expecting Miss Ryleigh Caroline Williams, due next weekend. The youngest Williams grandchild is Ashlyn who is 16; so it's been 16 years since we've had a baby around. We are all so excited! A sweet friend of mine, Tiffany, makes the most cutest baby clothes. She monograms, does all types of things. I wanted to show you what Miss Ryleigh will get to wear for next Summer. If you like Tiffany's work; let me know. She takes orders, she is very busy. She does shows, all types of things. She has a cute little business called "Tiffany's Toodles". Cute! If you want any more information on her; let me know and I'll hook you up.
Have a great week! Joy

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